# Receiving incoming data
Simple Serial Manager implements a custom event to manage data received from target. The library receive packets internally throug SerialPort.DataReceived Event (opens new window).
While Serial Port is open, you can check the incoming data in real-time using an exposed event called OnDataReceived
# ReceivedDataEventArgs
This is a class that contains the OnDataReceived event, provides a value to use arguments for events that do not include event data.
# Argument values
The following are the values that you can get using this ReceivedDataEventArgs.
Type | Name | Description |
int | ReceivedBytes | The count of bytes received in the incoming packet |
string | ReceivedData | The received data represented in string |
byte[] | ReceivedDataInBytes | The received data represented in byte array |
# Example code
In the following example, you can know how to add a listener to OnReceivedData event, remove the same listener and receive data when needed.
private void OpenPort(string Port)
simplePort.Open(Port, 115200, 8, SimpleStopBits.One);
if (simplePort.IsOpen)
Console.WriteLine("Open port");
// It's recommended to add listener after open serial port.
simplePort.OnDataReceived += OnReceiveData;
Console.WriteLine("Cannot open the port");
private void OnReceiveData(object sender, SimpleSerialManager.ReceivedDataEventArgs e)
// Method to use received data
Console.WriteLine($"Received Bytes: {e.Packet.ReceivedBytes}\nData: {e.Packet.ReceivedData}");
private void ClosePort()
if (simplePort.IsOpen)
// It's recommended to remove listener after close serial port.
simplePort.OnDataReceived -= OnReceiveData;
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